Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It's a Great Day to be Alive

Hello all! 

It's been a few days since I blogged it out but I have been busy. Not necessarily with exciting events, but life is still hectic. I did manage to get a pair of new shoes! I also was able to enjoy a wonderful cup of tea from a dear friend! Her care package included gourmet teas and the blueberry tea was splendid for a night in! 

In this past week I have had a reality check. A couple events have happened that really put into perspective how fragile life is. We are given this one life. Many use that as an excuse to live carelessly but the more I think about it I believe it should be used to hold us accountable. We need to be doing our best to utilize our special gifts. Think about it, there will only ever be one you. You, only get a short amount of time, to share who you are to this world and others. Truthfully, taking time to live carelessly is selfish. Perhaps, I am a harsh critic but I cannot see the validation in living selfishly and recklessly. If we all became more conscience of this, what would this mean? In my mind, it would make the world look a whole lot better. I would love to see this mentality adopted by more of my peers. Yes, we are only young once, but being young allows us to cultivate our God-given talents to a greater extent. God has given us abilities and opportunities, let's not waste them.  

Goal-- keep the big picture in mind; life is short. How does that affect your decision making? 

Ready, Set, Go!!! 


Friday, July 25, 2014

Can You Imagine?

Hello folks! 

I am currently on cloud nine because today I got a sneak peak at the future! 🔮Well, my future at least.😏 I shadowed a Physician Assistant in the office. Her speciality is general and bariatric surgery so I was looking forward to the experience. I am fairly certain that surgery is my field so I am just trying to experience as much as I can! 

I got up extra early because I had to drop my mom off at work first; not having a car is hard and a hassle but we do what we have to do. I had time to kill once I dropped her off so of course coffee is the answer. Coffee is ALWAYS my answer. 
I love Wegmans so I take any excuse to drop by. I tried the organic coffee and it was so good! By then it was time to head over to the office. Almost had a panic attack because I couldn't find the place when it was literally one block ahead of me. No worries though, I was early anyway. I then proceeded to my signature hairstyle. 
I almost always French braid my hair. To me, it's professional and still feminine. And I'm really just not good at hair in general so this gets the job done, right?
I was ready to go!!! 
My full outfit! I love my khakis from Gap and my "mommy shoes" are so comfy! 

From the minute I stepped in her office, I just knew. Any doubt I had or regret about these summer classes were forgotten. Seeing her white coat, her desk with notes, and textbooks on the shelf revitalized me. It helped me remember what I am working for. It may seem silly that those superficial things excite me but that is who I am! I get excited by knowledge and I am not ashamed of that. I am a geek and I love it! The morning was spent with her going through numerous follow-up appointments. I enjoyed seeing some of my medical terminology class at work throughout the day. I also enjoyed watching the PA listen to the patients, process the information in her brain, and produce an answer. I think I enjoy that because I know how much studying she has put in to be able to produce the answer. Education allows us to shape our brains to such powerful machines! 

Anyway, I couldn't believe how quickly the morning flew by! It was soon time to leave. I couldn't say thank you enough and that I hope to come back again! So, you can all be waiting for that post in the future! I then went to pick up my mom from work and headed home. I shared with my parents about my experience and they were excited for me. I told them, "I don't exactly know how I am going to get there, but I know that is where I am going to be." I get overwhelmed with all of the prerequisites I need to fulfill yet. It's a lot, but I believe God won't let me fail when I am working this hard and believing in His will for my life. 

I then proceeded to finish my day with a usual evening of work at the ice cream stand. It is hard for me at times to go from watching my dream job in the medicinal world to my real job scooping ice cream, but I've enjoyed meeting so many people serving ice cream and having a job that makes people happy. Plus, it's not my forever-- just part of my life book. I've worked at our stand a long time and it will be hard when I close that chapter. 
Finished the night with a cone-- just because I love ice cream and sprinkles. 

Well, I am behind in homework and missed a workout but still happy with the day. 

Goal-- try to see a bit of your future self in your present self. It motivates us! 

Ready, set, go!!! 

Maisie, Future PA-C 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Awkward Introductions

Wow, my very first post! I am not going to lie and say it's not a big deal, because I am really excited! After reading so many other blogs and looking forward to what they have to say, I began to think, why can't I share what I am thinking too? A little research, reassurance from friends, and a bit of procrastination from homework, BOOM, here I am! 

All I am going to share today is my profile. It is basically the same as my side profile but I had to downsize it a ton so I thought I would share my "true" profile for my first post! 

 First impressions? 

 Hello all! Welcome to my blog! I am Maisie-- a girl chasing her dreams and catching them! I am so pleased you have found your way to my page. My goal and prayer is that this blog will motivate and encourage others as I share some of my crazy journey of life. I am an undergraduate student on her way to Physician Assistant school. The thing is that my life is far more complex than that one sentence, but isn't everybody's? Aside from this major goal, I have so many "sub-goals" and I just can't rest until I have completed them. It can be hard for me to verbalize my thoughts but to summarize, this blog is about goals! I believe that without goals, we perish. We stop dreaming and stop believing in ourselves. Ask anyone that knows me or ask me, that there are times when I doubt myself and my vision. I become crippled with fear of failure and frustration, but that is when we make the pot of coffee, dance it out, and find that inner strength. I also believe that achieving our goals requires support, motivation, faith, self-discipline, love, and a few tears along the way. So please join my journey and together we can do great things and achieve our goals! 

"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."  2 Timothy 1:7

Hope that gives you some idea of what I am trying to do with this page. It will be a mix up of my thoughts, encounters, work-outs, freak-outs, and more. 

I chose the notebook paper background of this blog specifically for these reasons. First, this is a collection of my thoughts recorded. Secondly, I love taking notes on paper. Going to a class lecture is pretty enjoyable for me-- 97% of the time. Thirdly, I believe that our lives are an open book and it is up to us to write our story out and make it one worth putting in the library to be read. 

Okay, so goal-- make our life story worth reading. Even to one person. 

Ready, Set, Go! 
