Sunday, November 9, 2014

Here Comes the Flood

Hello all,

Have you ever been swarmed with so many thoughts you aren't sure how to sort them all out? They don't even have to be bad thoughts, even the good thoughts can be completely overwhelming. I find it interesting to see emotions and the mind interact. I have been on study overload the past two weeks preparing for an exam and now that it is over I feel a flood of thoughts and emotions. This is a usual occurrence for me after a big exam and this time I am hypothesizing why. My first thought is that while I am studying or preparing for a major event, I become very narrow minded in my thinking. I will say to myself and those around me, "Nothing matters right now except preparing for what is ahead. After that I can step back and focus on the other stuff." I am fairly certain this mentality is a result of my type AAA personality. I have to do my best and for me, I always feel my best is focusing 110% on the task at hand. The upside to this is that I am able to focus and the outcome is more favorable for me. The downside, this mentality is exhausting and ends up putting me behind in other areas of my life. My second hypothesis is that I try to separate emotions from my prep. A part of me, maybe the scientist in me, sees emotions as a unnecessary complication on the road to success. The problem, I am human and emotional by design. Emotions are a beautiful things. I am learning to stop suppressing them and to experience them. It allows me to connect with people, get excited, express pain, and live a life of passion. And I intend on living a passionate life.

Honestly, I think that this flood is a combination of all my hypothesizes. I also think that I am starting to see this because I am trying to be more self-aware of myself. I am currently on a journey of self care and self discovery. The second part of this journey of discovering myself is also discovering how to improve myself in a healthy way. So, what's next? I think I need to try and be more intentional with my preparation for exams and events. This is something I have been working on and see an incredible difference in myself. I feel mentally healthier and I am starting to find real joy in my daily lifestyle again. I am finding my passions again. By accepting myself, I can take care of myself. I can live my life with passion.

Honestly, I know I will never have it all figured it out. That's kind of the exciting part. We change, we reevaluate, we work to adapt, and we review, but this process is not so linear. We have so many other contributing factors influencing the process. Those extra pieces to the puzzle just add to the beauty of our lives. 

I realize I wrote from my own perspective but I am hoping you all can gain something from my own journey. I have changed so much in the last few years and I am a healthier person now, a fuller individual. My prayer is that you all find your way a fuller version of yourself. That's why I like to say, "Be the best you." You will never look back and regret being the best you. You are beautiful; you were created by God as a beautiful individual intended to live a full life! He has really been teaching me how to live the life He intended for me and to be who  created me to be. 

Goal-- live a life of passion!!! 

Ready, Set, Go!!!! 


Monday, October 6, 2014

Goal for the Week

Hello all!

Well, I don't usually take the time to blog during the week because I feel guilty for not doing school work but I felt I needed to share this post to set the tone for the rest of my week. Last week was not ideal; I don't want to say it was bad because I did a lot of studying and school work. Unfortunately, doing a lot of work with my studies usually means my workouts suffer the consequences. They suffered badly last week, like, I think I worked out twice. You know though, it is okay! How can I be mad at myself for doing the right thing? I have to study and I have to write my papers. I would not be my best me if I was slacking off! Still, it really bothers me when I have to miss my lifting sessions and my time to release in the gym. This summer, the gym has become a form of therapy for me and I rely on it for the feel good feeling a lot of the time. It's a great, healthy way to lighten my mood which is something I need.

With all that being said, I have a plan for this week that I want to share. I want to post a "week of workouts." Before I go any farther, I have to say that this school week allows me to do this. If I had a test this week, I could not and would not take on this challenge, but as of now and according to my syllabi, I should be able to conquer this. I need to conquer this; I need to do it for myself and my mental toughness. I have planned ahead and working diligently to stay up with my assignments so I am ready. Now, if you are wondering what this "week of workouts" is, let me explain my idea. I feel really great after lifting and my workouts so, naturally, I like to take a picture after to capture my joy and my accomplishment. My roommate picks on me for the selfie overload, but I always respond explaining it is a measure of my progress and a reminder of my accomplishments. So, this week, I plan to work out everyday and take a picture after my work out and I will post them on Friday with a summary blog post.

I have noticed that I have gone backwards in some of my gains I had at the end of summer, but I am going to be gracious with myself. My current goal right now is to learn to become more forgiving and understanding with myself. I am doing the best I can with where I am. Be gentle with yourselves if you are doing your best. Trust the process and your efforts will be rewarded.
I am determined to tackle this week!

So, here is to the week and a week of workouts! I encourage everyone to join if they can!

I thought this photo was appropriate! Haha
Goal-- hit a great workout everyday this week and selfie after! hahaha! Enjoy the week and we will see the end result on Friday!

Ready, Set, GO!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Where do I go from here?

Hello all!

Happy weekend! I know, I celebrate the weekend almost excessively, but who doesn't? Another week down and a couple of extra hours to catch up on sleep, could it get any better? Answer, no, not for a college student. This week in particular, it was plain old hard. Remember last week? I had a big test in one of my core science classes. Well, I had another huge test in my most important biology class right now. Let's just say I spent almost every waking moment this week memorizing every fact about bacteria. Making yourself study so much is exhausting and mentally draining, but I really want to do well in this class. I am not quite sure how I did on the exam yet but I don't feel terrible about it so that's good. Once my tests were over, there was no time to rest. I had two papers to write and an assignment complete. I am finished and exhausted. It feels so good to have a free moment and blog some. I am actually surprised that I found myself wanting to blog after struggling through my last paper.

As I tried to think about what I wanted to share in this post I thought I should try and think of something really creative or exciting to share! Some of my favorite blogs always seem so exciting and I want to be able to do the same. Then, as I tried to think of something exciting, I couldn't! It really began to frustrate me and I think I know why. I haven't felt exactly content with my life lately. Before I go any further, I want to clarify that I am realistic in the fact that life is not all butterflies and rainbows. I know there will be periods of doubt and hard work. With that in mind, I am trying to do a bit of soul searching trying to figure out how much is too much? What do you do when things that used to make you joyful are now burdens? What do you do when you don't have anytime for the things that make you happy? Do you change your lifestyle around? Do you do what you feel best for you even if others could never understand it? Or do you stay the course and hold on to what you know? 

These questions are what I am currently struggling with. I don't think I will find an answer for these either. It is not going to be found by plugging in a formula or trying each method and then deciding. I also think a lot of this has to do with where I am on the timeline of life. When people said college will be one the hardest things you do in life, I finally know what they mean. I have struggled so much. I am trying to solve the puzzle known as myself. Most times, I get so caught up in the GPA race that I forget it's about relationships and the relationship I develop with myself. My favorite high school teacher once said, "I don't care if you can't remember anything about human anatomy, all I care about is that you learn about yourself." 

Life is crazy. It is so much bigger than you and me. My biggest comfort is that I have God on my side. He will see me through. He is willing to see us all through. Believe in Him. 

Goal-- have faith in the times of complete turmoil. Faith in God and faith in yourself and your ability to make decisions. 

Ready, Set, Go!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday favorites

Hello all!

Happy happy Friday!!! Honestly, thank you Jesus for making Fridays. I haven't posted in a while and with good reason, I am busy being a college student! Balancing studying, working out, trying to enjoy the people around me, and sleeping can be more than I have time for! 

Today was rough though. I had a huge test and I don't feel good about it. I actually had to sit down and cry about it after taking it. I take my studies very seriously so when I put all my efforts into studying and being prepared; it feels like you get sucker punched when you are taking the test and can not figure problems out or remember a definition. I start to doubt what I am doing and what I am capable of. Honestly, I don't have it all figured out now, but I will get the test back once it's graded and I will have to do better on the next one. It may feel like the world is going to end after a bad grade, but the sun will rise again tomorrow!

So, rather than sitting here crying over the rough day anymore, I decided to make a list of things I am thankful and my favorite things lately. Writing out a list of our favorites and what we are thankful for allows us to pick ourselves up. So, some Friday favorites! 

1. I am thankful the world spins madly on. I am so glad that the sun rises and sets and I get a new day tomorrow! 
Beautiful world...
This picture is the from the Pioneer Woman's instagram. I really enjoy her photography and her recipes! Her food reminds me of home!

2. I am thankful for Fridays! They give me time to get done what I WANT to do. I am going to work out but not have to rush. I am going to sit back and watch a movie! I am going to tired and sleep!

3. My favorite song right now... "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift! Before you judge me, I have been a Taylor Swift since day one and I really like her stance to just be yourself and allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. "Shake It Off" does just that and it's something I can really relate to. I suggest just reading the lyrics through and tell that you not relate to that in small way. So, now you can judge me, but I will just shake it off. ;)  

4. I am thankful for my mom. I say that a lot but it's because I really mean it. She was the first person I called after my test. I bawled and she reminded me of all the good I have ahead of me. She also reminded me to be flexible. Sometimes success is reached in more than one way and I am slowly learning that and becoming thankful for that! 

5. My favorite blog to read: Skinny Minnie Moves. Honestly, her blog is my daily encouragement a lot of days. She is a PA who is also a boss ass bitch in the gym! She is a such an encouragement in all she does and reminds me a lot of myself. Her type A personality and the things she says and I often think, oh my goodness, I would do the same thing. She's my role model for sure and one of those people I hope to meet some day. Skinny Minnie, if you ever read this, I am not a creeper, I swear, you just inspire me to reach my goals! Check out her blog:

6. My favorite thing I am training right now are shoulders! Unfortunately, lifting days have been slim due to my exam schedule but the few days I have had have been carrying me through! I hit a great shoulder day this week and my delt's are showing it! I have to keep reminding myself to hit the other days just as hard as shoulder day!

Look at those shoulders! 
Okay, well that about sums it up! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Goal-- make a list of some of your favorite things and reflect on them. It really helps! 

Ready, Set, Go!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

One Week Down!

Hello all! 

Well, as the title says, one week down and fifteen for the semester to go. Do you know what I am talking about? I finished the first week of my junior year at college. 
This is me and my roommate on the first day! 

As of right now, I am exhausted; it was one of the craziest weeks. My classes were so hard and I even ended switching a few classes so that was chaotic as well. I am still waiting on textbooks to arrive and they really took a hit on my bank account. I am also still trying to get back into the swing of sitting down and studying for hours on end. I've struggled with getting workouts and lifting in, mainly because I am so tired and feel like I have no energy when I go to lift. 

Okay, so I have just unloaded all the bad. Is there any good to this post? Yes there is in fact. I am strong and I am relentless. So far I have been completely overwhelmed and honestly in over my head, but that's okay because it's teaching me to become relentless. I will be honest, when I am at school I have a tendency to doubt myself and my abilities. It is at these times that I have to talk myself up. I am not kidding. I tell myself I can do this. I am a hard worker and will make it. It has never come easy and I know that will be the case again this year but that's okay because it makes me that much stronger. 

More good news! ITS FRIDAY!!! I decided to take a jumpstagram to celebrate. I had my friend take it and it's kind of blurred but you can see how happy I am it's the weekend! 

I will probably be catching up on homework and sleep this weekend. I also have a waterskiing class this weekend so I'll have to tell you all how that goes! But for now... 

Goal: become relentless! Don't let anything stop you from your dreams. 

Ready, Set, Go!!! 

As I looked back on my photo album I realized I didn't take that many pictures! I hate when I forget to do that. So, here are a few photos I did manage to have time for this week.  
Me and my bestie on the first day! We're both studying to be PA's!!! 

We went to mcdonalds our first night together. Hey, I'm all about eating right but we are college kids still. 
Channeling my T-Swift style

We had to take some time to enjoy the sunshine! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!  :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How did it go?

Hello all, 

Well, today was the day to become a better me! I decided last night that enough was enough and it was time to get it together. I set my alarm and woke up determined! I jumped right into my day and got a lot of my projects done. I got a great workout in and feel a lot better because of it. 

I also got my back to school shopping done. I spent more than I wanted to but it should last me the whole year. Unfortunately, I did not get the phone case purchased because they were too expensive. No thanks, I'm a broke college student. I'll order a knockoff from Amazon. All in all, it was a busy day! It was hard in a lot of aspects but it had to be done. I hate spending all that money and take the time to do all these little things but it's all part of life. 

I'm tired and ready for bed. As I lay here, I can't help but think, I need to do this again tomorrow. I need to become a better me everyday. It's tiring but necessary. I am relentless. I will do what it takes to become the best me. 

Goal-- become relentless! 

Ready, Set, Go!!! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Hello all, 

I feel the need to be completely honest. I do not feel like my best me right now. I feel weak, I feel scattered, I feel unfinished, I feel defeated. My bedroom is a mess. I have papers everywhere and so many projects unfinished. I have none of my basic shopping done for college. I dropped my brand new phone on the tile and of course I didn't want to pay twenty five extra dollars for a screen protector in store so, yes, I scratched my screen. Is that a huge problem? No, but when you are already down it really sends you deeper. I haven't worked out in a few days and feel like I've lost my gains. I stay up too late trying to get stuff done and sleep late because of it. My work schedule is packed with shifts before I leave. Ultimately, I have not been my best me. I honestly just want to give up until I leave for school. 

But, I have worked too hard all summer to give up now. 

I have finally started seeing results in my weight training. I did volunteer work, took summer classes, and worked all summer long and I am finally one week away from going back to school and I am losing it all. But tonight, I have decided enough is enough! I know what I need to do and tomorrow is my day to do it! I am going to finish up those projects, start packing up my room, I am taking my day off to get some supplies bought, I am going to buy a phone case so I can get that over with, and I am going to start a new workout program to stay motivated. It's going to be a lot to get done but I need to do it! I need to feel like I am moving forward again. So, plan on hearing from me tomorrow with a post saying I am me again! 

Goal-- if you aren't feeling like yourself, figure out why, that's half the battle. We can move forward from there. 

Ready, Set, Go!!! 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Trip of a Lifetime!

Hello all!

I apologize for being MIA during my trip and these last few days. The time was simply not there to write in Nicaragua and since I have been home I have been working a lot of hours. I also figured that writing about my trip afterwards would be a good time of reflection. I shared in my last post what the purpose was behind and a little bit of what we would be doing during our trip. Just a recap if you did not read the last post, this trip to Nicaragua was a missions opportunity with my college basketball team. As a team, we would be volunteering and doing humanitarian work as well as holding clinics for the youth to come and improve their basketball. We also played the universities women's teams to help them improve their level of competition.

Okay, so bear with me as I am not totally sure where this is going but I will attempt to be thorough. I also have a ton of pictures but I will try to be selective.

To begin, I want to say how much I love my team. Unfortunately not all of them were able to come on this trip, but being with the ones who could brings me so much joy! From the second we woke up at 2:30 a.m to go to the airport, we all were enjoying each others company. I was excited to be going to the airport and flying. My family does not travel often so this was an exciting part of my journey. I love airports. A building that connects you to different places is an awesome concept in my mind.
 Our day was long consisting of three different flights, long layovers, switching two time zones, overpriced food, and customs paperwork. All in all, it was a very smooth day, long but nothing unmanageable. We were so happy when we walked out of the airport to see our missions leader and translator waiting for us with big smiles. We partnered with Ignite International for our trip which is run by Judy Fox, an alumna of Houghton College. Judy is such an awesome woman! She has such a passion for using sports to minister to others in other countries. She has made lasting relationships with people in so many countries. She was a major part of this journey as was our translator, Claudia. She has worked with Judy for many years and really bonded with us over the course of our trip. She was such an integral part of our team since she was relaying our words to the people of Nicaragua.

We took a shuttle from the airport to our hotel. We were exhausted but not too tired to realize how beautiful the place was. It had beautiful gardens and a really nice pool! Judy checked us all in and we headed off to bed.
Our hotel pool! We put it to good use in our down time!

The next morning was Sunday and we were going to a well-known bi-lingual church in Managua. The worship was awesome and we also were able to work with the youth during the later part of the service. We did a skit of David defeating the giant Goliath, sang songs, and played games with them. During all this, I was not feeling so great. I ended up throwing up most of the service. It was awful to be sick in a strange place but I have the best team. One of my teammates stayed with me and got me some medicine to help. The rest of the day I laid low and napped when we returned to the hotel. Day one was less than exciting in that sense.I was excited to go to bed that night with the intent of waking up feeling better for the week ahead!

Praise the Lord, I woke up feeling so much better Monday morning. We were able to sleep in and take it easy that morning which helped a lot. Monday was a full day of basketball. We held a clinic at Universidad Centroamericano where we had a good number of high school and college level athletes come. Their level of high school and college play is a lot different than that in America so we were able to spend two hours showing them drills to improve their skills. I have to say, my Coach did such a great job at the clinics we held. She put all the drills together and had us players demonstrate. She is always intentional in what she teaches and that remained true in Nicaragua. I hope the players saw that. I know I admire my Coach and her intensity to make us better as a team. After the clinic, we played the university women's team. I was awesome to have people come and watch a women's game. We also were able to have a teammate share her testimony at half time to all in attendance. We were always looking to plant seeds in the hearts of those there.
We pray with every opposing team after each game. We do it during regular season as well. 

Tuesday was a an awesome day; they were all awesome but especially Tuesday. We went to a home for teens who had been rescued from life on the streets, human trafficking, and abusive situations. We spent time seeing how the home is run and then spent time playing with the kids. I played basketball with my teammates and a lot of the boys there. They were so excited to play with us. It meant a lot when we were playing 3vs3 and my teammates remembered my name and we played as a team. I also shared my testimony with this group. Going into it, I wasn't sure how I wanted to approach it. These kids have been through a lot; what could I say to them? I talked with Judy and she said speak from the heart and speak the truth. I did, I told them about some of my deepest struggles and pain and how there is good in this world. There is hope in life and we can have hope in Jesus. I was honored to have spoke to those brave souls of the world. We also visited a home for teenage mothers. From both of these experiences I kept thinking how blessed I am to be in a situation where I can go be who I want to be. These kids didn't have a say in their circumstances. It hurt me to think about that but it overjoyed me that they are in the right place with people who love them and are willing to help them become more than their circumstances.We also played another game that night. The neat thing about these games is that many of the some girls played from the night before, and they did that the whole week. We were then able to get to know more and more of the players throughout the week by talking after the games and hearing about their lives.

Wednesday was one of my favorite days looking back on this trip. We went to Villa Esperanza, a shelter for teen girls who have been rescued from living in a city dump. During our visit there, we shared with the girls a lot about self-esteem and how exercise can promote good self-esteem. As a team, we showed the girls some different stretches and exercises they can to do to become stronger. Then, my Coach called me to the front. She explained to them how I was studying medicine and how I have learned to love working out and lifting weights. She then asked me to explain to them a little more about this. I was elated at this moment because I was going to be able to share about some things I am very passionate about. I began by explaining how exercise and strength training gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing. I also shared how it is good to strengthen your muscles and your bones. I then transitioned into how strong it can make you feel inside and as a woman. It builds a sense of confidence in one’s own abilities. I was so honored to have shared with those girls. I love the science of the body and empowering young girls to become strong women so I am very appreciative of my Coach for allowing me to share.
Artwork at Villa Esperanza!

Some of the team at Villa Esperanza!
The gym we played our game in that night. By far the coolest gym I have ever played a basketball game in. Inside and outside! 

The next highlight I would like to share would be from our visit to Donna Holland Christian School on Thursday. The school was started by our translator in the town of Diriamba and was for grades K-12. This school was unbelievable. It wasn't a huge school with fancy facilities but they made use of every inch they had available. Tuition is in effect to go there but most students are from limited means and are there because of sponsorship. I am a huge advocate of education. A major reason for that is because of how much I have enjoyed my education experience and how many wonderful opportunities it has placed before me. I believe God has given each of us a powerful gift with our minds and I believe it is God’s desire to utilize our gifts. For these personal reasons, going to the school was exciting for me. I love to see people learning and being there encouraged me. These students are being given a chance to use their gift. We were also given the opportunity to share with the classes. We broke up into units and gave a presentation to each class. We talked about a couple of different topics; finding identity in Christ, sexual abuse, sexual abstinence and someone shared their testimony. Another awesome part about this visit was that our new assistant coach was able to share. He talked about what is means to be a real man for the young boys. He discussed how important it is to be a man that treats people and women with respect, to stand up for what’s right, and to care for the needs and heart of your wife someday. He also emphasized to the girls to not accept anything less than a man who cared for you in this way. I thought this topic was so important for these kids to hear; it will be a big part of their future. We were honored to be there discussing such important topics and loving these students. I know they were open to our words and loved having us there. The hugs assured us of that.
This sweet girl ran over and sat on my lap. So thankful my teammate captured this in a picture. 

Loved these three little girls! 
The final highlight I want to share was also from Thursday. After our time at the school, we went with our translator and her sister to assist with a feeding program for children.  We went into the heart of two villages where there was tons of children lined up with bowls. We were then placed at the front of the lines to help scoop rice and beans into their little bowls. This experience was humbling. We don’t quite realize how good we have it until your staring into the face of someone who is hungry, especially a child. A lot of children were in line with a younger sibling holding both of their bowls to ensure that they both received food. At one time a young girl came up to me, grabbed me, and hugged me. She then continued to hang on my back and pat my blonde hair as I continued to serve food. I gave that girl the biggest hug. I realized that all I have is a gift from God and I need to use it. As I saw all those kids lined up for food, I began to think, what if I could give all these kids in line a medical exam and ensure that they had the vaccinations they need for a healthy life. They have people suffering from diseases that we have eradicated in America. What if I can do that for them someday? As we were leaving I had three girls hanging onto me not wanting to let go. This moment was special because I realized how much I have to give.
They wanted a photo of them together!
So humbled

She loved my blonde hair! 

Blessed to be serving them.

I love this photo. Our team in action. I was so blessed to share this experience with them. 

All in all, this trip showed me how much I have to contribute. I loved being in a different country experiencing different people and culture but I also know I have a lot to give in the classrooms at Houghton. I am very passionate about my future in medicine and the opportunities it will lay before me to help others. That is why I work so hard at my school work; I have to give all that I have for the sake of the lives I may treat someday. I also was blessed in seeing how basketball and athletics created a bridge to people. It was unbelievable how many people were able to hear about God by coming to watch a basketball game. It was unbelievable that I was able to share how exercise builds confidence in young girls. It was unbelievable that were able to pray with every team we played after our games. This trip presented so many opportunities and challenges on so many different levels. I have learned a lot, but I also have a lot left to learn. I do not have it all figured out and I still have many personal challenges to overcome but I have the motivation and memories to help me through. I cannot say thank you enough to everyone who sacrificed so that I may be able to gain these experiences. I pray that you were able to gain something through this post as well. I pray that you can grow through my journey. I pray we can grow together to use what God has given us to better others and lead them to Christ. I am Second. These are what our bracelets said that we wore as a team and handed out down in Nicaragua. It really resonated with me. I am second to God and the plans He has for me and this world and the needs of others. Jesus lived His life to this extent. I am always willing to share more about this trip so please feel free to ask me more! It was a wonderful week with my team and the country of Nicaragua.

These tender moments are what I will cherish in the depths of my heart.

Goal: I would like you all take a few moments today and think about what you have to contribute to the people around you. Once you have figured it out, go do it!!

Ready, Set, Go!
Living and Loving this life!

I know this post was very long but it was important to me to share. I am also going to include some pictures that I really love at the end to look through.

I found a player who is also studying medicine!!!

Embracing the culture with their statue! 
A player from Nicaragua we became very close with this week.

Bus shenanigans 

With one my closest friends and teammate-- we are always laughing in ever picture together!

Pool fun!

My Coach doing her coach thing!

What can I say? My teammates and I have so much fun together.

Dysfunctional and perfect

Holding hands with village girls 

No words.

Just chilling at the top of a volcano

First woman's basketball team to visit Nicaragua

Photo bomb

Our Sunday best!

Team dinner!

All out, All the time, All for God

Team is forever

Some of the elderly we spent time with!

Enjoying the Nicaraguan sunshine!

The fruit was unbelievable!

I love this game

Failing at our jumpstagram photo... Yes that's me falling down the side of  the volcano

Straight up flexin'

Thank you all for allowing me to share!