Friday, September 5, 2014

One Week Down!

Hello all! 

Well, as the title says, one week down and fifteen for the semester to go. Do you know what I am talking about? I finished the first week of my junior year at college. 
This is me and my roommate on the first day! 

As of right now, I am exhausted; it was one of the craziest weeks. My classes were so hard and I even ended switching a few classes so that was chaotic as well. I am still waiting on textbooks to arrive and they really took a hit on my bank account. I am also still trying to get back into the swing of sitting down and studying for hours on end. I've struggled with getting workouts and lifting in, mainly because I am so tired and feel like I have no energy when I go to lift. 

Okay, so I have just unloaded all the bad. Is there any good to this post? Yes there is in fact. I am strong and I am relentless. So far I have been completely overwhelmed and honestly in over my head, but that's okay because it's teaching me to become relentless. I will be honest, when I am at school I have a tendency to doubt myself and my abilities. It is at these times that I have to talk myself up. I am not kidding. I tell myself I can do this. I am a hard worker and will make it. It has never come easy and I know that will be the case again this year but that's okay because it makes me that much stronger. 

More good news! ITS FRIDAY!!! I decided to take a jumpstagram to celebrate. I had my friend take it and it's kind of blurred but you can see how happy I am it's the weekend! 

I will probably be catching up on homework and sleep this weekend. I also have a waterskiing class this weekend so I'll have to tell you all how that goes! But for now... 

Goal: become relentless! Don't let anything stop you from your dreams. 

Ready, Set, Go!!! 

As I looked back on my photo album I realized I didn't take that many pictures! I hate when I forget to do that. So, here are a few photos I did manage to have time for this week.  
Me and my bestie on the first day! We're both studying to be PA's!!! 

We went to mcdonalds our first night together. Hey, I'm all about eating right but we are college kids still. 
Channeling my T-Swift style

We had to take some time to enjoy the sunshine! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!  :)

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