Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Hello all, 

I feel the need to be completely honest. I do not feel like my best me right now. I feel weak, I feel scattered, I feel unfinished, I feel defeated. My bedroom is a mess. I have papers everywhere and so many projects unfinished. I have none of my basic shopping done for college. I dropped my brand new phone on the tile and of course I didn't want to pay twenty five extra dollars for a screen protector in store so, yes, I scratched my screen. Is that a huge problem? No, but when you are already down it really sends you deeper. I haven't worked out in a few days and feel like I've lost my gains. I stay up too late trying to get stuff done and sleep late because of it. My work schedule is packed with shifts before I leave. Ultimately, I have not been my best me. I honestly just want to give up until I leave for school. 

But, I have worked too hard all summer to give up now. 

I have finally started seeing results in my weight training. I did volunteer work, took summer classes, and worked all summer long and I am finally one week away from going back to school and I am losing it all. But tonight, I have decided enough is enough! I know what I need to do and tomorrow is my day to do it! I am going to finish up those projects, start packing up my room, I am taking my day off to get some supplies bought, I am going to buy a phone case so I can get that over with, and I am going to start a new workout program to stay motivated. It's going to be a lot to get done but I need to do it! I need to feel like I am moving forward again. So, plan on hearing from me tomorrow with a post saying I am me again! 

Goal-- if you aren't feeling like yourself, figure out why, that's half the battle. We can move forward from there. 

Ready, Set, Go!!! 

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