Monday, October 6, 2014

Goal for the Week

Hello all!

Well, I don't usually take the time to blog during the week because I feel guilty for not doing school work but I felt I needed to share this post to set the tone for the rest of my week. Last week was not ideal; I don't want to say it was bad because I did a lot of studying and school work. Unfortunately, doing a lot of work with my studies usually means my workouts suffer the consequences. They suffered badly last week, like, I think I worked out twice. You know though, it is okay! How can I be mad at myself for doing the right thing? I have to study and I have to write my papers. I would not be my best me if I was slacking off! Still, it really bothers me when I have to miss my lifting sessions and my time to release in the gym. This summer, the gym has become a form of therapy for me and I rely on it for the feel good feeling a lot of the time. It's a great, healthy way to lighten my mood which is something I need.

With all that being said, I have a plan for this week that I want to share. I want to post a "week of workouts." Before I go any farther, I have to say that this school week allows me to do this. If I had a test this week, I could not and would not take on this challenge, but as of now and according to my syllabi, I should be able to conquer this. I need to conquer this; I need to do it for myself and my mental toughness. I have planned ahead and working diligently to stay up with my assignments so I am ready. Now, if you are wondering what this "week of workouts" is, let me explain my idea. I feel really great after lifting and my workouts so, naturally, I like to take a picture after to capture my joy and my accomplishment. My roommate picks on me for the selfie overload, but I always respond explaining it is a measure of my progress and a reminder of my accomplishments. So, this week, I plan to work out everyday and take a picture after my work out and I will post them on Friday with a summary blog post.

I have noticed that I have gone backwards in some of my gains I had at the end of summer, but I am going to be gracious with myself. My current goal right now is to learn to become more forgiving and understanding with myself. I am doing the best I can with where I am. Be gentle with yourselves if you are doing your best. Trust the process and your efforts will be rewarded.
I am determined to tackle this week!

So, here is to the week and a week of workouts! I encourage everyone to join if they can!

I thought this photo was appropriate! Haha
Goal-- hit a great workout everyday this week and selfie after! hahaha! Enjoy the week and we will see the end result on Friday!

Ready, Set, GO!!!

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